Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Life Happens... And It's Crazy!

Hello Sweet Friends! 

So, I had this GREAT idea that I would start a blog and start to cutesy up some of the things I was making for my firsties  so I could sell them on TPT and hopefully help some other teachers like so many AWESOME teachers have helped me with all of their super fun, meaningful, and creative ideas and products. But... instead... life happened and it was CRAZY! Mr. B works A LOT (he's a super sweet and hardworking farmer) and we have a sweet and VERY busy 2 year old that keeps me busy people! Between chasing taking care of and spending time with our little man and trying to somewhat cook and take care of our home plus be a teacher to 21 little first graders, I had not one ounce of energy left to do anything else. But now, I have started adding things to my TPT shop and here I am with a blog post! I am proud people! I may be finally finding my groove! 

Well, enough about my craziness! I posted my first freebie on Teachers Pay Teachers  just last week! It is is called Inference Investigators. You can check it out here!

And today, I finished up my Prefix and Suffix Fun Unit! I would love to have a cute little preview for you to see what it is included in my Prefix and Suffix Fun Unit, but for some reason, my computer is not feelin' it today! Darn technology anyway! I swear technology is not my friend, but I am working very hard to make it be! I really hope that you will check these out and maybe be able to put them to use in your classrooms!

I will be back soon with some pictures of my classroom and how it is coming along! I am off to enjoy some beautiful, sunshiny, 78 degree Iowa weather!

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